Sustainability: Reducing singe use plastics use

By Tara Keena


To help make a meaningful impact on climate actions within our community Loughrea Tidy Towns is delighted to announce the launch of a new campaign to reduce the use of single-use plastics, plastic cups and plastic bags in our town, and we’d love your support!

Did you know it is estimated that 528,000 disposable coffee cups are discarded in Ireland every single day? The majority of which are not recyclable or home compostable.

We’re joining the increasing number of other towns in Ireland who are supporting climate action initiatives and encouraging the use of more sustainable alternatives, working together with our valuable local businesses and communities.


Recently, we asked some cafés and shops and the Loughrea community for their thoughts and feedback on our new campaign. We wish to extend a big THANK YOU to all for taking the time to respond, give their feedback, and for the really positive results!

The Loughrea Tidy Towns group is excited to keep moving forward with our new campaign.

For example, did you know many of our local cafés and shops already promote reusable cups or offer discounts when you bring your own? So at Tidy Towns Loughrea, we’re providing posters and signs for cafés and shops for display to show their support for this initiative.


A big thank you  to the businesses who are already participating, and to the those even offering a discount on coffee when people bring their own cup!  Some places even offer a discount of up to 10%!! This is amazing, and such a great way to get our community thinking greener and making small changes that add up.


We still need support from our local community. What can you do to support this new campaign?

Keep an eye out for our Tidy Towns reusable cups signs in the coming weeks as we visit more businesses and distribute them. You can help spread the word, or if you see our sign, why not bring your own cup next time you get a take-away coffee.

It's a great way to help the environment and save money.


If any business would like a sign in the meantime just contact us at


Pond Building for Loughrea’s Biodiversity


Let me take you to The Hill, Loughrea