Let me take you to The Hill, Loughrea

By Maura Loughnane
Let me take you to The Hill, Loughrea to see…
Residents Associations doing a smashing job in keeping their communal green areas tidy and in excellent shape.
Transition Year (TY) students sweeping up leaves ahead of rain.
A great display of flowers in planters at strategic locations and bulb plantations beneath trees.
Garrybreedia Playground with it's swings, slides, picnic benches, play equipment and colorful hoarding.
Garrybreedia old pump refreshed in bright colours.
An exhibit of wood craftsmanship by Paradzai Havatitye, a gifted woodwork teacher, 'honorary Irishman' and artist who chiselled a dead tree into a work of art.
The GAA grounds sporting flags and bunting in the Blue and Yellow of Loughrea, the Senior Hurling County Champs of 2024!
The Tidy Towns 'Meitheall' (team of workers) at work, hacks, hoes, trowels, gloves in hand. Their Mission? To manually remove weeds from kerbs, footpaths and the base of walls and beneath trees. Theses areas need constant attention to control weeds, especially during damp summer weather. Sweeper truck and weed scrubber machine also help keep Loughrea looking great.
New litter bins with cigarette butt containers at strategic locations.
St. Brigid's Well, a place to spend some time and ponder..
But, mind how you go! Keep watch for traffic hazards at the hill and schools' related traffic during the school term.
And while you're on The Hill, Loughrea Tidy Towns would love you to take away home your bits of litter, cigarette butt's and vapes.
Together we can make the Tidy Towns Winners list!